Advanced use

Advanced destination keywords

It is possible to use not only the destination keywords given in Configure your destinations (targets). You can also use something like e.g. hlrng_XXX and hlrng_YYY if you want to run two independent instances on the target hlrng. However, the string before the first underscore must be one of the keywords given above.

Building during development

Build single components in a different modes and configurations

If you are developing only one component at a time, it is not necessary to call the global build script from the root directory. There are also build scripts in each components subdirectory which can be called directly, e.g.

cd components/flux_calculator
./ hlrng debug rebuild 

This would rebuild the flux_calculator on the hlrng in debug mode. The defaults for the second and third argument are release and fast (which is the opposite of rebuild). The same applies likewise to the other components.

Build tagging

Once you execute a build command, e.g.

./ hlrng

a file LAST_BUILD_hlrng_release is created, where the strings hlrng and release depend on the arguments, you give to the build script. This file contains information on the state the source code of the components is in. In particular, it contains the unique commit ID, the build mode (fast/rebuild) and a time stamp of the build. Moreover, if the source code exhibits uncommited changes when the build script was executed, these diffrences are logged within that file. By executing the run script later on, the same tagging will be done for the main repository and this file is transferred to the destination. That way, you can always identify with which version of the code your working on the target.

Prepare mappings before the run starts

If you want to create new mappings between the model grids (becaus you updated the setups or the paralleization layout) you can put an additional argument (literaly prepare-before-run) to the run command, e.g.

./ prepare-before-run hlrng


Archiving the employed setup

Imagine you have started your development on hlrng from the setup with the keyword testing, this can be viewed as the base of your current setup. Now you made changes to some input files and you want to conserve the current state. This can be done by using the script

./ hlrng testing archive

First, this would produce a copy of the base setup corresponding to the keyword testing in the very same destination (you need write permissions there). The new folder has the same name as testing supplemented by _archive and it contains only symbolic links to the base setup. Second, it is checked where the base setup and the one residing on the hlrng differ. Third, only files that are different will be updated from the hlrng and put into the created archive folder. If you want to create your archive in a different directory then your base, you can specifiy a keyword and the corresponding destination in the SETUPS file. You can then call the setup archiving script with that keyword as the third argument. Note that the base setup and the archive must be available via the same machine since we are using symbolic links here.

Once you have archived your setup, the SETUP_INFO file on your target server will be updated as well.